Sunday, January 4, 2009

F-Stop Interviews Antony Crossfield

Happy new year. I came across another interview that you might be interested in over at F-stop. F-stop for those that have not visited before has a great series of interviews with leading photographers. Once a month or so they release a new one covering typically the top commercial photographers but the selection theme is always heavy on individual vision and lots of composited and retouched imagery. Much of advertising illustration today is composited from photos with lots of photoshop. Anyway this interview is with Antony Crossfield who is a fine art photographer and has some amazingly creative imagery. Antony is different in that he only sells his fine art photography and is not a commercial photographer. Like the others though there are lots of composited images and heavy on the retouching and 3D image generation, bringing a painterly classics based approach to a decidedly new medium.

Alan Mitchell

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