Thursday, June 27, 2013

Using LinkedIn To Your Advantage

"ArtSpark is a social experiment to discover how artists and arts organizations can fund their projects and engage their audience, fans and communities using social media + face2face buzz." 

I subscribe to their feed as much of what they post is oh so valuable by way of sharing information as to what works well by way of social media-particularly in the context of being an artist. I also have a LinkedIn account (the free version) and am in several art groups in LinkedIn. The dialogue and sharing of information is priceless as no one can be an expert on any of this social media stuff at any given point in time. Not to mention the tips and tricks shared by way of the medium that we love to work in.

ArtSpark posts a (usually) weekly article called, "Resource ThuRsday"-which is a way to share resources out there at our fingertips that we might not be aware of, or how to better use something that we are aware of. Such as today's post in regards to, LinkedIn. Beside's having an on-line resume, LinkedIn is a great way to promote yourself, meet other artists and discuss and share topics that you have the same concerns about. And, yes, I know of others who have picked up art commission jobs as a result of their LinkedIn account (it was a corporate art commission, so how sweet is that?).

You can find out how to create an attractive LinkedIn profile and how to best utilize other links to your LinkedIn account: READ MORE...

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