Thursday, April 5, 2012

Are Your Prices Too Low or Too High?

How do you price your artwork? Do you know if they are too low or too high? Pricing is a personal and sensitive issue. And, even though it is personal, HOW and WHAT you price work for not only affects your sales, but others in the same exhibit that you are in.

 (image courtesy of Paula Scott: Molokai Girl Studio)

Carolyn Edlund wrote a GREAT article on this (and I've read quite a few articles on pricing-this one seems to hit all the bases). The article appeared on the blog, "Artsy Shark-a site for Emerging Artists". I hope you follow the link to read the article as it is one of the best articles I've seen so far in regards to all the issues that should be considered in pricing your work.

And, by all means, please 'share' this article on your Face Book, Twitter, Google+, etc. by clicking on one (or as many as you like) social media buttons located at the end of this post).

We also welcome your comments! Dialogue is always good...

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