Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Creating Monoprints Without a Press

Gelli Arts makes 'gelatin' plates that one can easily do monoprints from. Without having to invest much by way of money or equipment. Granted, one can make their own gelatin plates to do this technique with, but the drawback is in the prep time, storage issues and shelf life of a home made gelatin plate.

What's a monoprint you ask? It is a printmaking technique where the image created is an original-instead of printing the image from an inked up matrix (plate), you 'paint' your image on the plate. The results are very different from painting directly on to a substrate and the layers one can build lends itself to some exciting results that are one of a kind.

If this explanation isn't enough, check out this exciting video by Gelli Arts that clearly demonstrates what a monoprint is and how one can achieve exciting results:

I've got a few plates myself and now see that they offer a square size, so I might just have to get that one too. If any of you out there order some too, I say, let's get together and 'play'!

And, for those of you that teach, they also offer teacher kits.

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